This section is where users will start and stop capture, navigate via man, and access a live view from their iSTAR Pulsar device. From top to bottom, this consists of the following sections:
Allows users to track current and destination locations on a map - this will auto zoom in to local area, dependent on strength of GPS signal at the time:
The map displays and tracks routes using the following key:

- NCTech Logo: user current position
- Blue line: plotted route (as set using Navigation function above)
- Green line: route traveled, green meaning "on route"
- Red line: route traveled, red meaning "off route"
In the above example the user has deviated from the plotted route at point 9, turning right instead of carrying on straight. There is some tolerance built into this to allow for deviation in GPS position, but after a short period the system has identified that the user is "off route", and as such notified by drawing a red line.
Users have 5 options at the bottom of the map:

- Live view toggle: switches to Live view mode (see below)
- Follow user: While users may manually navigate the map, they may also tap this button to snap back to current position. When enabled (icon is blue) then current position will remain central within the map for easy navigation. When disabled (grey), users have manual control
- Feed: Navigates back to the feed section
- Routes: Coming soon
- Capture: Tapping this instructs the connected iSTAR Pulsar device to initiate capture. To prevent rapid pressing of the button, it will always be inactive for 10 seconds subsequent to being tapped, the button will appear "greyed-out" during this period. While capturing, this will show as a "Stop" icon, and may be tapped (after initial 10 seconds) to send command to iSTAR Pulsar to stop capturing again:

Live view
Accessed by tapping the live view toggle within the capture section, this allows users to generate a live view from the connected iSTAR Pulsar device and apply exposure compensation to shift the exposure slightly up or down if desired.
Consists of the following elements:

- Live view: Displays a live stream from the iSTAR Pulsar device's image sensors. Note that as this is for previewing purposes only, the frame rate used is purposefully slowed down, thus the live view will take a few seconds to reflect any changes in environment
- Exposure compensation: Allows users to shift exposure slightly up or down if desired in a specific environment, the live view will then reflect this change. Note that it is not possible to modify this mid-capture, when commenced a capture will use the last selected value
- Live view toggle: Users may tap this to return to Map view
- Feed: Navigates back to the feed section
- Routes: Coming soon
- Capture: Per below note, this is currently disabled when on live view screen
iSTAR Pulsar will not generate a live view until capture has been started initially, it will then display live view permanently thereafter. This means that a user must initiate and stop a capture before they will see the live view shown.
In the current version of the mobile app, it is not possible to start or stop capture while on the live view screen, nor is it possible to browse to live view while iSTAR Pulsar is capturing. This is planned functionality, for now live view is intended for previewing prior to capturing only.