The first section that a user will land on when opening the app - when connected to an iSTAR Pulsar device, users may browse and manage the captures stored on the device.
Captures are shown newest to oldest in descending order:
Each individual capture tile consists of the following elements:
- Date & Time: This is the date and time that the capture was initiated
- Current status
- Capture ID
- Copy to USB-C (iSTAR Pulsar+ functionality)
- Delete: See article Deleting data from iSTAR Pulsar
- View More: Allows users to expand the capture tile and view additional information:
Within the extended view are a few extra elements:
- Capture ID: The capture ID of the capture
- Image count: The number of total images that the capture consists of
- Start: The time that the capture started.
- Date Copied:
Users may revert the capture tile back to summary view by tapping the close arrow at the top:
Within the extended view are a few extra elements:
- Capture ID: The capture ID of the capture
- Image count: The number of total images that the capture consists of
- Start: The time that the capture started.
- Date Copied: If the capture has been copied, the date of when it has been copied is displayed here.
Users may revert the capture tile back to summary view by tapping the close arrow at the top:
At the bottom of the feed section, users have the following further 3 navigation options:
- Capture: Navigates to the capture section
- Notifications: Coming soon
The iSTAR Pulsar Mobile App feed section refreshes automatically, however it is possible for users to manually refresh it by simply tapping at the top of the feed and pulling downwards.