Rather than connect a mobile device directly to iSTAR Pulsar whilst in Right mode, a user may instead connect iSTAR Pulsar in Left mode to a mobile device's Hotspot should it have this functionality.
This provides the benefit of having both devices connected to one another while still maintaining an internet connection via the mobile device's data plan, and without being limited to a Wi-Fi network's limited range.
Here's how to set up a tethered connection:
Connect mobile device to iSTAR Pulsar in Right mode - further details on doing so may be found within this artice:

Launch iSTAR Pulsar Mobile App, confirm connection between app and iSTAR Pulsar device:

Browse to main menu, select "Network Connection":

Tap to open the Network List, then tap "Refresh Network List":

The Network List will populate with all Wi-Fi networks within range:

Look for the hotspot related to the mobile device - note the exact name of the network.
The hotspot shown here will often be the name of the mobile device, NOT any custom name that has been set for the hotspot by the user. In this scenario, the device name "Galaxy S20+ 5G" is displayed, users should note this exact name including any capitalisation and/or punctuation:

Browse to the mobile device settings, ensure hotspot name EXACTLY matches the name detected by iSTAR Pulsar above.
If the hotspot name within the mobile device settings does not exactly match the name found by iSTAR Pulsar, then it will not be possible to connect the two devices - users must ensure that these are exactly the same, changing the name of the hotspot within the mobile device settings if necessary:

Copy or note down password for the mobile hotspot - if this is hidden, the mobile device will have a visibility toggle to reveal it:

Browse back to iSTAR Pulsar Mobile App, ensure that the hotspot is selected, and enter the hotspot password - again, use the visibility togle to ensure accuracy.
Users are advised to leave the option to "upload on this network" set to "Off" to avoid accidentally uploading via the hotspot, as this could incur data charges.
Once done, tap the "Join network" button to register the hotspot to iSTAR Pulsar as a network:

Browse back to mobile device settings, and enable the hotspot:

On some devices enabling the mobile hotspot will automatically disable the mobile device's Wi-Fi connection - if it doesn't, the user should manually turn off their Wi-Fi connection.
Move iSTAR Pulsar mode switch to the Left:

iSTAR Pulsar will now connect to the mobile hotspot, the top status LED (Wi-Fi) will pulse green while it attempts to do so, then turn solid green when connection has been established:

To confirm that connection has successfully been established, users may check the mobile hotspot settings, and should see that a connected device is present:

While the mobile app will have lost connection with iSTAR Pulsar when the hotspot was enabled, it will reconnect to it again once the tethering connection is established - users should note that this may not happen immediately, it can take a minute or two:

If when opening the Network List the mobile hotpot does not appear, then users may instruct the iSTAR Pulsar device to perform a full re-scan for Wi-Fi networks, this is outlined in the article re-scanning for Wi-Fi networks.