Annotations let you add and manage layers of points, lines and polygons.
To activate annotation mode, click the Annotations button on the side panel.
1. Create an annotation layer
On the side panel, from the Annotations tab, click on “+” next to Annotation Layers.
In the Add New Annotation Layer dialog:
- Give your annotation layer a name.
- Select the layer type (point, line, polygon).
- You can optionally add multiple Attribute Labels to the layer. These are your own custom labels particular to your use case. e.g. Material, Year of Installation, etc.
- Click Add Layer Attribute.
- Once you are happy with your selection, click ADD LAYER.
The new layer is added to the layer list, on the side panel.

2. Edit layer
Edit a layer by clicking on the pencil button next to the layer name (first icon from the left).
You can:
- Rename the layer.
- Add or remove attributes labels.
- When you’re done, press SAVE.
It is not possible to change the layer type.

3. Export Annotation layer
You can export a layer to geojson format.
Click the down arrow button next to the layer name (fourth icon from the left).
A *.json file is automatically downloaded.
4. Import Annotation layer
You can import a geojson file into an annotation layer.
- The file you import must be in geojson format for the import to be successful.
- The geojson file must have only objects of the layer type you selected. For example, if your geojson file has points and lines, and your layer is a line layer, the import will not be successful.
To import an external layer:
- Click the up arrow button next to “Annotations”, on the side panel.
- Enter the layer name.
- Select the layer type.
- Press NEXT.
- Select the geojson file to upload.
- Press IMPORT.

The imported layer is marked Imported when the layer is selected.

5. Add Annotation to layer
First ensure that the point cloud is active so that you can start adding annotations over the panoramic images.
- Toggle the Add to annotation layer to ON.
- Select the layer you want to add annotations to. You can do this by:
- selecting from the dropdown list, or
- clicking on the layer itself.
The only annotation type available will be the one that matches the layer type you have selected (point, line or polygon).
6. Annotate point, line and polygon
Point single left click.
Objects in the point layer display coordinates of the point.
Line single left click for the first point and the second point.
Objects in the line layer display length in metres.
Polygon single left click for all the points, click again over the first point to close the polygon.
Objects in the polygon layer show area in square metres.
The results are mapped over the panoramic images in the immersive window and on the base map.
Annotations are automatically saved on the pre-selected layer with Object1, Object2, etc. as default names along with their measurements according to layer type.
You can change their name at any time by editing the saved annotation object.
7. Annotations Table view
You can view each annotation layer as a table.
Enable the annotation table of a layer by clicking on the table button (second icon from the left) next to the layer name.
8. Select Annotations
Select an annotation by clicking on it over panoramas within the immersive window or on the side panel, underneath its layer.
This highlights the annotation object over the panoramic images on the immersive window, the basemap, and the side panel.
9. Edit Annotations
You can edit an annotation in two ways:
1. Select the annotation on the immersive view, on the side panel or on the annotation table. Once selected, click on the pencil button to edit annotation attributes.

2. Alternatively, you can select annotation on the annotation table and click on the pencil button on the top right corner of the table to edit annotations individually.

9.1. Bulk edit annotations
You can use the The annotation table to edit annotations in bulk when you select more than one annotation on the table.
- Select the checkbox against the attributes you want to edit.
- Update the attribute.
- Press SAVE.
Note that in this case, you’ll overwrite the attribute or attributes in all selected annotations at once.